Hidden Blocks to Relational Healing & Healthy Relating that Every Separating Couple needs to Know!

Evolving research suggests that this is exactly the case and not only that, these very early hidden traumas can negatively interrupt our bonding and attachment process to the significant detriment of our capacity for healthy relating and relational healing.

The good news is that there are ways to release these hidden traumas that act as a block to your relationship healing and healthy relating. Join Kara Ockendon and Ingrid Weissman in this Holistic Toolbelt segment as they explore how these hidden traumas can manifest and some solutions that Ingrid offers to resolve them.

***Disclaimer*** Please note the information contained within this content is of a general informative nature only and does not constitute psychological, legal, financial or other professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. To understand your support needs, financial risks, rights, obligations and entitlements, please consult upon a therapist, lawyer, financial planner and/or an accountant.

Connect with Kara Ockendon:
karaockendon@soulhealing.au www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089803329714&sk=about

Connect with Ingrid Weissman:
The Trauma Solution
(02) 6559 4855 | Text: 0438 594 095


Why our Source Fracture Wounds Or Core Wounds Don't Make Sense